3 D Wheel Alignment System
3 D Wheel Alignment System


The all new TROMMELBERG 3D Wheel Alignment System uses the latest generation of Digital Imaging Technology for automated data acquisition. Its high-resolution cameras combined with unique Align+ software guarantee highest accuracy of alignment proc...

Price including VAT: €10,472.00

  • Manufactured by: TROMMELBERG Germany
  • Model: URS183D2
  • Units in Stock: Out of stock

Delivery: By Request

Shipping costs will be charged separately

Technical Data:        
Measurement parameters Range Accuracy      
Camber (Front/Rear) ± 15° 00' ± 00° 02' Setback (Front/Rear) ± 25 mm ± 2 mm
Caster ± 28° 00' ± 00° 05' Thrust Angle ± 05° 00' ± 00° 02'
Kingpin inclination ± 25° 00' ± 00° 05' Runout ± 10° 00' ± 00° 02'
Toe (Front / Rear) ± 20° 00' ± 00° 02' Included angle ± 40° 00' ± 00° 05'
Total Toe ± 40° 00' ± 00° 04' Track with difference ± 300 mm ± 5 mm
Sold Out


The all new TROMMELBERG 3D Wheel Alignment System uses the latest generation of Digital
Imaging Technology for automated data acquisition. Its high-resolution cameras combined
with unique Align+ software guarantee highest accuracy of alignment procedures and
makes the URS18D2 the preferred aligner for any quality workshop.
·  High-Performance, state-of-the-art 3D measurment system
·  Automatic Tracking high-resolution Camera - automatically adjusting to any working lift height
·  Complete database of factory specifications
·  Measurement procedures and regulations, including OEM procedures
·  Maximum vehicle adjustment accuracy


Standard Shipment includes:
·  4 pcs. target plates
·  Align+ software with database specification
·  Automatic camera beam with integrated and pre-calibrated Digital
·  Automatic Tracking Camera System
·  Professional PC with emboded OS Windows 7 / 64 bit
·  21"/ 16:9 LCD high definition monitor
·  Full-sized keyboard and mouse
·  Color inkjet printer А4 ( connection)
·  Mobile cabinet for PC, printer and accessories
·  Steering lock
·  Brake pedal lock
·  4 pcs. 4-point wheel clamps for 10"-24" sized rims